Website Submissions and Announcements


If you have an announcement or workshop you would like to have posted on the “Workshops and Announcements” page of this website send your submission to:

It makes it easier and faster if you follow a few simple rules for your submission:

    • Submit your announcement in a text, word, or rtf format so we can simply copy and paste.
    • If you have formatting on the page, show that in your document or as a pdf.
    • Include the date and time at the very top of the document.
    • Include a way to contact you if we have questions.
    • Including an image like a jpeg or png is fine.
    • The more time in advance you can submit the material the better.
    • If you want to include a downloadable flyer, PDF format is the best.

Feel free to ask any questions or let us know if you want to speak directly with us.